Something Crafty This Way Comes St Louis Craft Fair
Now taking applications for the Something Crafty This Way Comes Event.
Something Crafty This Way Comes is an alternative, bordering on dark and esoteric themed
artesian show with family friendly impromptu live performances. Vendor acceptance will be
based on your unique themed craft.
Application Fees – payable only if you get accepted:
8’x5’ Booth space: $45.00
6’x5’ Booth space: $35.00
Application file contains all details about the event, requirements to apply and contact details
Please Click the icon below to download the application. Submit completed application to the email address in the document. - EDIT APPLICATIONS DEADLINE HAS PASSED
The application can also be downloaded at
Please apply by September 1, 2016 for consideration and approval. Applicants will find out by September 2 or sooner if they got in.
Facebook event page HERE
Something Crafty This Way Comes
Mad Art Gallery, 2727 South 12 th Street, St. Louis, MO 63118
Sunday, December 4, 2016
11am – 4pm