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Another Successful Something Crafty This Way Comes

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Something Crafty This Way Comes was again a success. Thanks to everyone that came out and got to know some local artist and makers. A lot of people walked away with some awesome unique gifts. Thank you to all of the vendors and performers that were a port of this unique event. And of course thank you Ami Amore` for all of the hard work put in to making it happen. She can be contacted at

I sold some of my favorite paintings and a lot of prints. Some that didn't even make it on to this site. I'll be taking the next few weeks and probably months building some stock back up. The plan for 2018 is to pull back from vending at so many events and dive into some new painting ideas. We shall see. I've already broken that rule and applied to some things in 2018.

Below are some images from the craft show. Mostly taken from Ami Amore's Instagram. As well as a newer painting that found a home last weekend.

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